
This is the user manual of the instance generator of asprilo.


We highly recommend to install the generator with conda:

  1. Install either Anaconda or Miniconda
  2. Create and activate a fresh conda environment, e.g. via

    conda create -n myenv
    conda activate myenv
  3. To install the generator in your environment, run

    conda install -c potassco asprilo-generator
  4. Run

    gen -h

    to verify that the generator installed correctly.

Manual Installation (Not Supported!)

Alternatively, you can install the generator manually by downloading its source code from https://github.com/potassco/asprilo. However, you must install all requirements by yourself and probably adjust some environment variables (e.g. PATH, PYTHONPATH). Please note that this method is not supported!


For manual installation, the generator requires the following software installed on your system:

  1. clingo5>=5.5.0
  2. Python>=3.9
  3. PyYAML>=5.4.1


The script ./generator/scripts/gen provides an instance generator with various configuration options, for a detailed list and description run

gen -h
usage: gen [-h] [-x GRID_X] [-y GRID_Y] [-n NODES] [-r ROBOTS] [-s SHELVES]
       [-d DIRECTORY] [--se] [--instance-dir]
       [--instance-dir-suffix INSTANCE_DIR_SUFFIX]
       [--instance-count INSTANCE_COUNT] [-f NAME_PREFIX] [-v]
       [-t THREADS] [-w WAIT] [--random] [--rand-freq PERCENTAGE]
       [--sign-def DEFAULT_SIGN] [--seed SEED]
       [--sopts, --solve-opts SOLVE_OPTS] [-I] [--im] [-V] [-D]
       [--gstats [OPT]] [-j JOB] [-c [CAT [CAT ...]]] [--su] [--tr]
       [--preo] [--pret] [-P PRODUCTS] [-u PRODUCT_UNITS_TOTAL]
       [--pusmin PUSMIN] [--pusmax PUSMAX] [--pus PUS] [--prsmin MINPRS]
       [--prsmax MAXPRS] [--prs PRS] [--sprmin MINSPR] [--sprmax MAXSPR]
       [--spr SPR] [-o ORDERS] [--olmin MINOL] [--olmax MAXOL] [--ol OL]
       [--oap] [-R] [--gs GAP_SIZE] [-H] [-X CLUSTER_X] [-Y CLUSTER_Y]
       [-B BELTWAY_WIDTH] [--ph-pickstas PH_PICKSTAS]
       [--ph-robots PH_ROBOTS] [-T [TEMPLATE [TEMPLATE ...]]]
       [--prj-orders] [--prj-warehouse] [--split NUM NUM]

Basic options:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  -x GRID_X, --grid-x GRID_X
                        the grid size in x-direction
  -y GRID_Y, --grid-y GRID_Y
                        the grid size in y-direction
  -n NODES, --nodes NODES
                        the number of nodes
  -r ROBOTS, --robots ROBOTS
                        the number of robots
  -s SHELVES, --shelves SHELVES
                        the number of shelves
  --sc SHELF_COVERAGE, --shelf-coverage SHELF_COVERAGE
                        the percentage of storage nodes covered by shelves;
                        storage nodes are those nodes that are not a highway
                        node nor occupied by a robot or station
                        the number of picking stations
  -N NUM, --num NUM     the number of instances to create (default: 1)
  -C, --console         prints the instances to the console
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        the directory to safe the files (default:
  --se, --skip-existing
                        skip instance generation if destination directory
                        already exists
  --instance-dir        each instance is stored in unique directory where the
                        path is the concatenation of '<DIRECTORY>/<INSTANCE-
  --instance-dir-suffix INSTANCE_DIR_SUFFIX
                        additional instance dir suffix, i.e., each instance is
                        stored in unique directory where the path is the
                        concatenation of '<DIRECTORY>/<INSTANCE-
  --instance-count INSTANCE_COUNT
                        each instance gets the given value as running number
                        instead of using its rank in the enumeration of clasp
  -f NAME_PREFIX, --name-prefix NAME_PREFIX
                        the name prefix that eyery file name will contain
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        run clingo with THREADS threads (default: 1)
  -w WAIT, --wait WAIT  time to wait in seconds before solving is aborted if
                        not finished yet (default: 300)
  --random              Randomize clingo's model enumeration based on the
                        flags '--rand-freq', '--sign-def', and '--seed'
  --rand-freq PERCENTAGE
                        for model randomization: the '--rand-freq=PERCENTAGE'
                        flag passed to clingo (default: 0.5)
  --sign-def DEFAULT_SIGN
                        for model randomization: the '--sign-def=DEFAULT_SIGN'
                        flag passed to clingo (default: rnd)
  --seed SEED           for model randomization: the '--seed=SEED' flag passed
                        to clingo (default: 123456789)
  --sopts, --solve-opts SOLVE_OPTS
                        options pass-through of to underlying clingo process,
                        **intended for debugging only!**
  -I, --gen-inc         use incremental instance generation; required for
                        large instances to reduce grounding size
  --im, --inc-im        for inc-mode, activate output of intermediate
                        instances (default: False)
  -V, --verbose         verbose output (default: 30)
  -D, --debug           debug output (default: 30)
                        Shows grounding size statistics for each program part of the instance
                        generator encoding, takes optional argument OPT:
                          stats : shows the grounding size statistics (implied by default)
                          atoms : additionally shows the grounded program and output atoms & terms

Batch mode options:
  -j JOB, --batch JOB   a batch job of multiple instance generations specified
                        by a job file; Warning: additional command line
                        parameters will be carried over as input parameters
                        for single instance generation runs, unless explicitly
                        redefined in the job file
  -c [CAT [CAT ...]], --cat [CAT [CAT ...]]
                        optional list of names (i.e., prefixes) of sub-
                        categories to create
  --su, --skip-existing-sub
                        during batch instance generation, skip those sub-
                        directories that exist; helpful to resume interrupted
                        generation jobs
  --tr, --template-relative
                        consider template paths relative to the destination
                        directory (-d) if given
  --preo, --pre-only    *only* compute instances for the configuration presets
                        instead of their variants
  --pret, --pre-too     *additionally* compute instances for the configuration
                        presets in addition to their variants

Product constraints:
  -P PRODUCTS, --products PRODUCTS
                        the number of product kinds
                        the total number of product units stored in the
  --pusmin PUSMIN, --min-product-units-per-product-shelf PUSMIN
                        for each product an shelf it is stored on, the minimum
                        number of stored units (default: 1)
  --pusmax PUSMAX, --max-product-units-per-product-shelf PUSMAX
                        for each product and shelf it stored on, the maximum
                        number of stored units (default: 10); deactivate with
                        value < 1
  --pus PUS, --product-units-per-product-shelf PUS
                        for each product and shelf it is stored on, the exact
                        number of stored units (default: None); shorthand for
                        '--pusmin PUS --pusmax PUS'
  --prsmin MINPRS, --min-products-per-shelf MINPRS
                        the minimum number of products per shelf (default: 0)
  --prsmax MAXPRS, --max-products-per-shelf MAXPRS
                        the maximum number of products per shelf (default:
                        20); deactivate with value < 1
  --prs PRS, --products-per-shelf PRS
                        the number of products per shelf (default: None);
                        shorthand for '--prsmin PRS --prsmax PRS'
  --sprmin MINSPR, --min-shelves-per-product MINSPR
                        the maximum number of shelves that contain the same
                        product (default: 1); deactivate with value < 1
  --sprmax MAXSPR, --max-shelves-per-product MAXSPR
                        the maximum number of shelves that contain the same
                        product (default: 4); deactivate with value < 1
  --spr SPR, --shelves-per-product SPR
                        the maximum number of shelves that contain the same
                        product (default: None); shorthand for '--sprmin SPR
                        --sprmax SPR'

Order constraints:
  -o ORDERS, --orders ORDERS
                        the number of orders
  --olmin MINOL, --min-order-lines MINOL
                        the minimum number of lines per order (default: 1)
  --olmax MAXOL, --max-order-lines MAXOL
                        the maximum number of lines per order (default: 1)
  --ol OL, --order-lines OL
                        the exact number lines per order (default: None);
                        shorthand for '--olmin OL --olmax OL'
  --oap, --order-all-products
                        Each product should at least be ordered once.

Layout constrains:
  There are two major layout categories: *random* as default, or *highway*
  via the -H flag. Depending on the major layout type, there are further
  customization options available as follows.

* General layout constraints:
  -R, --reachable-shelves
                        all shelves are reachable from all picking stations
                        w/o moving other shelves

* Constraints for the *random* layout:
  --gs GAP_SIZE, --gap-size GAP_SIZE
                        the maximum size of "gaps" (i.e., blocked node
                        components) in the floor grid (default: 2)

* Constraints for the *highway* layout:
  -H, --highway-layout  Manhattan-style street grid using highway-nodes
  -X CLUSTER_X, --cluster-x CLUSTER_X
                        for highway-layout: the size of one rectangular shelf
                        cluster in x-direction (default: 2)
  -Y CLUSTER_Y, --cluster-y CLUSTER_Y
                        for highway-layout: the size of one rectangular shelf
                        cluster in y-direction (default: 2)
                        for highway layout: the width of the beltway
                        surrounding all shelf clusters (default: 1)
  --ph-pickstas PH_PICKSTAS
                        placeholder for picking stations, i.e., the number of
                        picking stations expected to be added to the instance
                        in the future; required for adequate clearance of grid
                        nodes at the top if the amount of picking stations is
                        not specified (default: 1)
  --ph-robots PH_ROBOTS
                        placeholder for robots, i.e., the number of robots
                        expected to be added to the instance in the future;
                        required for adequate clearance of grid nodes at the
                        top if the amount of robots is not specified (default:

Template and projection options:
  -T [TEMPLATE [TEMPLATE ...]], --template [TEMPLATE [TEMPLATE ...]]
                        every created instance will contain all atom defined
                        in base program of the template file(s) (default: []);
                        alternatively, with argument '-T -', template facts
                        can be streamed in directly from stdin
  --prj-orders          project enumeration to order-related init/2 atoms
  --prj-warehouse       project enumeration to warehouse-related init/2 atoms
  --split NUM NUM       splits instances into warehouse and order-related
                        facts; takes as arguments 1.) the number of warehouses
                        and 2.) the orders per warehouse to create, resp.

Name Convention for Instance Files

Generated instance files are automatically named in adherence to the scheme



  • <X> is the maximum x-dimension
  • <Y> is the maximum y-dimension
  • <N> is the number of nodes
  • <R> is the number of robots
  • <S> is the number of shelves
  • <PS> is the number of picking stations
  • <PR> is the number of products
  • <U> is the number of product units globally, i.e., total across all products
  • <O> is the number of orders
  • <NI> is the instance count number



is an instance where

  • 10 is the maximum x-dimension
  • 10 is the maximum y-dimension
  • 100 is the number of nodes
  • 5 is the number of robots
  • 20 is the number of shelves
  • 5 is the number of picking stations
  • 5 is the number of products
  • 48 is the number of product units globally, i.e., total across all products
  • 6 is the number of orders
  • 3 is the instance count number

Example Generation Calls

Structured (Real-world-like) Instances

  • Small instance with
    • 9x6 floor grid (x 9 -y 6)
    • 3x2 shelf cluster dimensions (-X 3 -Y 2)
    • 6 shelves (-s 6)
    • 1 picking stations (-p 1)
    • 2 robots (-r 2)
    • highway-layout (-H)
    • 4 products (-P 4)
    • 20 product units (-u 20)
    • 4 orders (-o 4)
    • guarantee that all products are ordered at least once (--oap)


    gen -x 9 -y 6 -X 3 -Y 2 -s 6 -p 1 -r 2 -H -P 4 -u 20 -o 4 --oap
  • Medium-size instance with
    • 13x12 grid (x13 -y 12)
    • 5x2 shelf cluster dimensions (-X 5 -Y 2)
    • 30 shelves (-s 30)
    • 3 picking stations (-p 3)
    • 5 robots (-r 5)
    • highway-layout (-H)
    • 6 products (-P 6)
    • 32 product units (-u 32)
    • 8 orders (-o 8)
    • 3 shelves per product that hold its units (--spr 3)
    • 4 clingo threads (-t 4)


    gen -x 13 -y 12 -X 5 -Y 2 -s 30 -p 3 -r 5 -H -P 6 -u 32 -o 8 --spr 2 -t 4

Random Instances

  • Small instance with
    • 10x10 grid (x 10 -y 10)
    • 50 shelves (-s 50)
    • 10 picking stations (-p 10)
    • 30 robots (-r 30)
    • 10 products (-P 10)
    • 100 product units (-u 100)
    • 8 orders (-o 8)
    • 4 products per shelf (--prs 2)
    • 4 clingo threads (-t 4)
    • verbose output (-V)
    • incremental generation (-I)


    gen -x 10 -y 10 -s 50 -p 10 -r 30 -P 10 -u 100 -o 8 --prs 2 -t 4 -V -I
  • Medium-size instance
    • 20x20 grid (x 20 -y 20)
    • 160 shelves (-s 160)
    • 20 picking stations (-p 20)
    • 10 robots (-r 10)
    • 12 products (-P 12)
    • 64 product units (-u 64)
    • 10 orders (-o 10)
    • 4 clingo threads (-t 4)
    • verbose output (-V)
    • incremental generation (-I)


    gen -x 20 -y 20 -s 160 -p 20 -r 10 -P 12 -u 64 -o 10 -t 4 -V -I

Batch Generation

Instead of running the instance generator with a single configuration of parameters from the command line, there is also support for batch generation based on a range of different configurations: batch files are defined in YAML syntax, for example the batch files

describe a set of structured and random instances, respectively, suited for domain A-C. The generator can process them via the --batch command line option, e.g.

gen --batch ./generator/scripts/batch/abc/structured.yml -I -t 4 -V

Batch File Format

  • A valid batch file always contains exactly two top-level dictionaries:

    • global_settings describing configuration parameters that should be used globally, i.e., for each instance generation job
    • run_configs describing the generation jobs represented as collection of different configurations
  • Basic Job Definition:

    • Within the run_configs tree, a user can represent a single instance generation job by a dictionary, that is not only an ancestor of run_configs but also all its predecessors must be dictionaries; in the resulting instance set, the paths from run_configs to job dictionaries are translated correspondingly into directory trees in the file system
    • Further, a job dictionary must have a child directory with the reserved name args that, in turn, specifies the job’s configuration parameters in a dictionary
    • Each job dictionary, that is, their parameters specified by their args child dictionary will be processed as single instance generation job by the generation
  • Recursive Job Definition:

    • Optionally, a job dictionary may also contain a child or ancestor dictionary that in turn define jobs, i.e., contain an args child dictionary; That is, down-stream job dictionaries inherit the configuration parameters from their ancestor job dictionaries
    • Eventually, only those job dictionaries which have no ancestor job dictionaries are executed by the instance generator