
This is a collection of notes and data on our conducted experiments with asprilo.

Evaluation 2018-02

General Setup


  • CPU: 2 x AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6278 Server
  • RAM: 256 GB
  • 32 cores, 64 threads


Test Runs

  • Each test run is limited to 1 physical core/thread and 8 GB of RAM
  • Minimal horizon (makespan) additionally provided as input for each run
  • Timeout is 1800s, no extra timeout penalty at the moment
  • For each instance, we run an additional test with an assignment that restricts robots to distinct shelves and pick stations for interactions


  • All subsequent benchmarks are run with the instance set to be found here.

    └── structured
        ├── 1x2x4
        │   └── 100sc
        │       ├── r02
        │       ├── r05
        │       ├── r08
        │       └── r11
        ├── 2x3x5
        │   └── 100sc
        │       ├── r05
        │       ├── r10
        │       ├── r15
        │       └── r19
        └── 4x5x8
            └── 100sc
                ├── r12
                ├── r23
                ├── r35
                └── r46
  • Subsequently, we will use the naming convention RxCxL for structured instance layouts where
    • R is the number of rows of storage zones
    • C is the number of columns of storage zones
    • L is the length in x-coordinates of storage zones (hint: for structured layouts, the height in y-coordinates of storage zones is fixed to 2 by definition)
  • On the top level, the instances are divided up into three sizes of structured warehouse layouts:
    • 1x2x4 aka small
    • 2x3x5 aka medium
    • 4x5x8 aka large
  • For each instance holds:
    • the number of robots and orders is identical;
    • there are exactly as many products and product units as shelves;
    • each shelf holds exactly one product unit;
    • each order contains exactly one order line.
    • 100 % shelf coverage, ie., all storage nodes are covered by a shelf
  • Instances are further categorized by incrementally increasing the number of robots:
    • For 1x2x4 layout size: increments of 2, 5, 8 and 11 robots and orders total)
    • For 2x3x5 layout size: increments of 5, 10, 15 and 19 robots and orders
    • For 4x5x8 layout size: increments of 12, 23, 35 and 46 robots and orders in total)
  • Created by invocations (increments as exclusive flags in curly brackets )
    • 1x2x4 (small):

      gen -x 11 -y 6 -X 4 -Y 2 -p 1 -s 16 -P 16 -u 16 -H {-r 2 -o 2 | -r 5 -o 5 | -r 8 -o 8 | -r 11 -o 11}
    • 2x3x5 (medium):

      gen -x 19 -y 9 -X 5 -Y 2 -p 3 -s 60 -P 60 -u 60 -H {-r 5 -o 5 | -r 10 -o 10 | -r 15 -o 15 | -r 19 -o 19}
    • 4x5x8 (large):

      gen -x 46 -y 15 -X 8 -Y 2 -p 10 -s 320 -P 320 -u 320 -H {-r 12 -o 12 | -r 23 -o 23 | -r 35 -o 35 | -r 46 -o 46}
  • 30 instances per each increment and hence 120 per layout size and 360 instances in total

Minimal Horizon and Task Assignment

Additionally, for each instance we provide the minimal horizon (makespan) and a task assignment depending on the used domain. Both are stored in extra files within the same directory as the instance file. In particular, those additional files use the same name as the instance file extended by an distinct suffix:

  • for the assignment under domain A, B and C, we use suffix __asg-a; that is, we provide the same assignment and hence a single assignment file for all three domains A,B and C
  • for the assignment under domain M, we use suffix __asg-m
  • for the horizon without assignment under domain A, B, C and M, we use suffixes __hor-a, __hor-b, __hor-c, and __hor-m, resp.
  • for the horizon with assignment under domain A, B, C and M, we use suffixes __hor-aa, __hor-ba, __hor-ca, and __hor-ma, resp.

E.g., for instance moo/structured/1x2x4/100sc/r5/x11_y6_n66_r5_s16_ps1_pr16_u16_o5_N001.lp, we additionally store:


Further, we only provide those minimal horizons that were computable within 8 hours on our machine. Likewise, we only provide those assignments for which the minimal horizon is available. Specifically, for the large instance sizes 2x3x5 and4x5x8 under the domains A-C, the minimal horizons and assignments are not provided.


You can find the repository of all our encodings here. To learn more about the specifically used encodings for each test runs, please see below.

M-Domain Results


Tested Encodings


An in-depth analysis of the subsequent results can be found in our ICLP’18 paper.

  1. Runs without Assignment

    • Result spreadsheet can be found here.
    • The column heads dispatch-1/boolean, =dispatch-1/boolean-XY, dispatch-1/csp, dispatch-1/dlp-s and dispatch-1/dlp-sp denote the boolean, boolean w/ split x,y-coordinates, clingcon and difference logic encoding with ‘strict’ and ‘strict -p’ execution flag, respectively
  2. Runs with Assignment (only clingo boolean, clingcon csp tested!)

    • Result spreadsheet can be found here
    • The column heads dispatch-1/boolean and dispatch-1/csp denote the boolean, clingcon and difference logic encoding, respectively

A-Domain Results

Tested Encodings


  1. Runs without Assignment

    • Result spreadsheet can be found here.
  2. Runs with Assignment

    • Result spreadsheet can be found here

B-Domain Results

Tested Encodings


  1. Runs without Assignment

    • Result spreadsheet can be found here.
  2. Runs with Assignment

    • Result spreadsheet can be found here

C-Domain Results

Tested Encodings


  1. Runs without Assignment

    • Result spreadsheet can be found here.
  2. Runs with Assignment

    • Result spreadsheet can be found here

How to Reproduce Test Runs

In general, to run single tests on your own machine, your call may follow the following pattern:



  • SOLVER is a solver binary of the ones stated above
  • ENCODING is an encoding for A, B, C or M as stated above
  • INSTANCE is an instance
  • ASSIGNMENT is an optional task assignment matching the instance and domain
  • HORIZON is the horizon matching the instance, domain and assignment if given

For example, first download and extract the instances and encodings to your machine, say ~/instances and ~/encodings, resp. Then, you can run the boolean encoding for domain M on instance ~/instances/moo/structured/1x2x4/100sc/r05/x11_y6_n66_r5_s16_ps1_pr16_u16_o5_N001.lp

  • without assignment as

    clingo encodings/m/encoding.lp \
  • with assignment as

    clingo encodings/m/encoding.lp encodings/control/control.lp\

Similarly, you can run the same instance with the clingcon encoding in domain A

  • without assignment as

    clingcon encodings/a/encoding-a.clp \
  • with assignment as

    clingcon encodings/a/encoding-a.clp encodings/control/control.lp\
