
This is the user manual of the solution checker of asprilo.

Encoding Structure

The checker’s encoding is compartmentalized into several parts with respect to

  1. the problem domain, i.e., all encodings related to a domain DOMAIN are stored in a separate directory ./checker/encodings/DOMAIN/, .e.g. ./checker/encodings/a/ for the A domain

  2. the initial environmental state and the general law of inertia stored in ./checker/encodings/DOMAIN/init.lp, .e.g. ./checker/encodings/a/init.lp for the A domain

  3. the types of action laws to verify, that is,
    • action preconditions and related inertial abnormals stored in ./checker/encodings/DOMAIN/ACTION for each action type ACTION, e.g. for the A domain’s action types move, pickup, putdown and deliver, the respective encodings are

    • static laws stored in ./checker/encodings/DOMAIN/static.lp, e.g. ./checker/encodings/a/static.lp for the A domain

  4. the goal condition stored in ./checker/encodings/DOMAIN/goal.lp, .e.g. for the A, ./checker/encodings/a/goal.lp

For each DOMAIN, all action law encodings are then integrated via #include directives in the encoding ./checker/encodings/DOMAIN/checker.lp, .e.g. ./checker/encodings/a/checker.lp for the A domain.

How To Use

Within a problem domain DOMAIN, to check a plan file PLAN for an instance file INSTANCE run

clingo ./checker/encodings/DOMAIN/checker.lp INSTANCE PLAN

Any inconsistencies will then be indicated by err/3 atoms in the answer set, which are defined in the checker’s encoding files. Moreover, err/3 facts adhere to the format

err(FileID, CheckID, Parameters)


  1. FileID indicates the encoding file in which the yielded err/3 atom is defined
  2. CheckID indicates the specific ’check’, i.e., a rule that defines the err/3 atom
  3. Parameters the relevant term parameters in the body of the rule

E.g., for the A domain and instance ./examples/a/instance.asp, the (invalid) plan ./examples/a/wrong_outcome.txt can be checked via

clingo ./checker/encodings/a/checker.lp ./examples/a/small/x11_y6_n66_r3_s12_ps2_pr5_u50_o3_N001.lp \
       ./examples/a/small/wrong_outcome.txt --out-ifs="\n"|grep err

which yields:


Those err/3 facts are defined in ./checker/encodings/a/action-deliver.lp and ./checker/encodings/a/goal.lp by rules:

err(deliver, orderAmount, (R, T)) :- occurs(object(robot, R), action(deliver, (O, P, Q)), T);
                                     holds( object(order, O), value( line,    (P, RQ)  ), T-1);
                                     Q > RQ.

err(deliver, shelfAmount, (R, T)) :- occurs(object(robot, R),   action(deliver, (O, P, Q)), T);
                                     holds( object(robot, R),   value(carries,  S        ), T-1);
                                     holds( object(product, P), value(on,     (S, SQ)  )  , T-1);
                                     Q > SQ.

err(goal, unfilledOrder, (O, P, Q, H)) :- holds(object(order, O), value(line, (P, Q)), H);

that indicate that the plan contains inconsistencies with respect to the domain definition. Specifically,

  • err(deliver,orderAmount,(1,23)) indicates that robot 1 delivered more products than requested at time step 23
  • err(deliver,shelfAmount,(1,23)) indicates that robot 1 removed from the shelf it carries more than the available amount of a product at time step 23
  • err(goal,unfilledOrder,(1,2,1,29)) indicates that order 1 still requires 1 units of product 2 at the final time step 29.