
This is the description of the pre-generated benchmark instance sets for asprilo.

Instance Sets

The latest asprilo release provides a set of pre-generated instances instances.tar.gz with the following directory structure:

├── abc
│   └── structured
│       ├── 1x2x4
│       │   ├── 100sc
│       │   ├── 25sc
│       │   ├── 50sc
│       │   └── 75sc
│       ├── 2x3x5
│       │   ├── 100sc
│       │   ├── 25sc
│       │   ├── 50sc
│       │   └── 75sc
│       └── 4x5x8
│           ├── 100sc
│           ├── 25sc
│           ├── 50sc
│           └── 75sc
└── moo
    └── structured
        ├── 1x2x4
        │   └── 100sc
        │       ├── r02
        │       ├── r05
        │       ├── r08
        │       └── r11
        ├── 2x3x5
        │   └── 100sc
        │       ├── r05
        │       ├── r10
        │       ├── r15
        │       └── r19
        └── 4x5x8
            └── 100sc
                ├── r12
                ├── r23
                ├── r35
                └── r46

The instances are partitioned into two parts:

Further, we group instances into directories with naming convention RxCxL where

  • R is the number of rows of storage zones
  • C is the number of columns of storage zones
  • L is the length in x-coordinates of storage zones (hint: for structured layouts, the height in y-coordinates of storage zones is fixed to 2 by definition)

for each contained instance. That is, instances are divided up in both ./abc/structured and ./moo/structured into three sizes of structured warehouse layouts:

- `./1x2x4` for instance with 1 row and 2 columns of storage zones where the x-dimension of storage zones is 4
- `./2x3x5` for instance with 2 row and 3 columns of storage zones where the x-dimension of storage zones is 5
- `./4x5x8` for instance with 4 row and 5 columns of storage zones where the x-dimension of storage zones is 8

In addition to that, we further distinguish instances based on the percentage of storage nodes covered by shelves. E.g. within /abc/structured/1x2x4 the four directories 25sc, 50sc, 75sc and 100sc hold instances with 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% storage coverage by shelves, respectively.

For /.moo instances, we further differentiate between the number of robots as detailed here.